24 February 2010

MEIGA - Partage de fichiers over LAN

En cherchant un utilitaire que j'ai oublié le nom, je fini par tombé sur un qui fait exactement ce que je voulais mais avec un belle interface graphique.

Son nom ? Meiga.

Un petit utilitaire permettant de partager des fichiers dans un réseau local sous le format d'une page web et ce de façon simple et rapide.

Encore une fois je me dit vivement Linux !

Pour plus d'information, voici un petit résumé en anglais ;

To satisfy this need we've created Meiga, a tool that makes possible to share selected local directories via web. But that's only the beginning. In fact, the ultimate goal of the project is to serve as a common publishing point for other desktop applications, such as the file manager, picture viewers or music players.

Meiga is lightweight, easy to use, network friendly and also application friendly. It's written in a mix of Vala and pure C code, using existing Gnome technologies to perform its tasks: libsoup is used as a simpler alternative to fat web servers, libgupnp is in charge of doing port redirections if the network router supports UPnP, and DBUS exposes a public API to allow the GUI and third party applications to control what is served. Some advanced publishing features are already implemented, like the feed server that can render an RSS view of a given directory.

Le lien pour télécharger l'application ;


17 February 2010

Cisco VPN Client

Just a quick reminder;

To use the Cisco VPN Client, the following network ports must be opened in your firewall ;

  • 500 UDP
  • 4500 UDP
  • 10000 UDP